Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Alone in the Forest
By Amelia
Team 14, Fendalton School
March 2007

Have you ever been alone in the forest hearing noises coming across, lifeless birds and lifeless bugs?

Yippee! The day of the orienteering came. Nine o’clock Tuesday 6th of March Hamner Springs Forest Camp. Group A was really excited, we all couldn’t wait. Eventually we got there and Kelly and John got to drive and of course we had to walk. Kelly and John told us the rules, we had to follow the sun if we were lost, we were only allowed on the tracks and Kelly told us how to read the maps. John told us what the clues looked like. We all got into groups of four and my group was Ju, Naomi, You Bin and I. We had a really good group then we took off ready for sprinting.

The first clue we found was easy it was just straight ahead. The next clue we found the other group was looking for it too. I saw the second one but we had to try make sure the others didn’t see it so we acted. Our group had to try and make out that we didn’t know where it was, it was hard because we all wanted to crack up laughing, but we didn’t. We had to look in different spots so that other group wouldn’t know where the clue was we were really bad at acting but they didn’t find the clue so that was good. We ran out and wrote the number down. It was really hard.

Later we had got a lot of points we saw some old people and they thought we were at Hamner camp school but we told them that we were on camp at Hamner forest camp doing orienteering. They were really nice. Then we saw some steps that we had to go down they were really steap!!! Annabell went off because she had a bike and she could not go down the steap steps but we did. We didn’t find the clue that quick it was quite hard. But we found it beside a small cliff.

After that we tried to find our way to our next clue we got lost. Somehow we started talking about what if a wild pig popped out of know where and jumped on us!!! Suddenly when we were walking we saw this log going over the stream we were thinking about crossing it but we thought it might be to slippery so we decided not to. We found three bridges that was where the next clue was supposed to be, but we were looking for quite a while so we felt like going to feel the temperature of the water it was FREEZING!!! Then we started to head back but we were still looking for the clues. We got lost on the way back to camp. We found a lot of answers. Our group had 420 points.

On the map it said there would be a clue around were we were standing we found it but it was hidden in a bush it gave us 50 points we were really happy.

We sprinted down the track back to the meeting place we were still looking for the clues. Suddenly we saw one just sitting there next to a dryed up moody old pond. Which gave us 10 points. My group jetted back we were 20 minutes late but we didn’t find any within that 20 minutes which was good because if we did than we would of lost those points that we found in that 20 miutes.

Our group ended up with and great number 480 pionts we won out of everyone in the camp we were egsausted. You bin Ju Naomi and I had heaps of fun we would really like to do it again. Group a started to head back to have some food!!!

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